This Term, our focus is on intentional teaching: shapes, colours, counting and learning each other’s names.
We celebrated Harmony Week, and families completed a diversity survey about their heritage, where they come from, cultural information, flags from their country etc. These were displayed in the room, and this information will help us understand our children’s culture and perspectives. We also made some delicious sushi.
For our Easter celebration, we went egg hunting and made an Easter garden and Jesus’ tomb with Mrs Jamie-lee. We made Easter cookies and baskets with the children as well. We also shared the Easter story with the children during forum sessions.
We have been using the Kiddo program as a basis for gross motor play and games, adding to our daily intentional teaching program. We have played games involving bean bags, bats and balls and jumped like different animals that jump (i.e. frogs, kangaroos, grasshoppers). Kiddo is a physical literacy program rich in professional development and resources specific to the age and development of children.
This term, we swapped rooms with Pikanini 1 as many of our children are toilet training so that our children did not have to share toilets with Minasan students in the mornings and afternoons, minimizing cross-contamination due to COVID-19.
Miss Cho
Pikanini 2 Room Curriculum Leader