This term, our babies in Bambini have discovered, explored and learnt so many interesting concepts and skills. They got to discover nature, use sticks to paint with, create art with their hands and also got to paint with various other re-cycled items. 

Our children develop socially and emotionally daily, and the comfort and love they receive daily from their Educators gives them a sense of wellbeing.

We have had transitions in January, with older children moving up to Pikanini 1, and we are currently again transitioning children to Pikanini 1 in the next few weeks. 

We have welcomed new families and children to the room as well, some families that have older children in care. It is great to be able to give these families support with their younger children now as well.  This is all about our relationships with our families. 

The past week Mrs Jamie-Lee baked some biscuits with the babies; they really enjoyed this and loved eating the tasty biscuits afterwards. 

We celebrated Harmony day with our amazing family event, dancing, sausage sizzle, jumping castle, and various dishes representing our Centres’ diverse culture.

We have bought new resources, and it’s amazing to observe the babies and the way they react to having different resources in the room. Sensory toys, musical equipment, variety of sensory books suitable for babies. Our babies enjoy our obstacle course that is in our room every day, and this helps skill babies to crawl, climb, balance and even play peek-a-boo. 

The Bambini room is all about discovery, joy, love, relationships and developing gross motor, fine motor and cognitive skills. Our babies are blessed as they receive so much love, care and comfort daily.  They are the most adorable group, and once our older babies transition, they will be missed. 

The Bambini Team