On Friday, 16th June the year 1 and 2 students enjoyed a visit from Constable Care. Constable Care taught us who to call when we need help, how to identify an emergency, the right phone numbers to use in the right situations and ways we can help keep our friends, family and community safe.

Here are Constable Care’s top tips for reporting crimes and emergencies:
1. There are trusted people in the community who can help us stay safe and healthy.
2. It is important to know who and when to call for help.
3. We should always know how to call Triple Zero in an emergency, telephone Police on 131 444 to report a crime, or ring Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report something anonymously.
4. If we see a needle then stay away, tell an adult straight away.
5. It is important to keep our eyes open and remember what we see so we can tell Police about it when we need to!

“At Constable Care it was funny and I enjoyed it so much because we got to learn” – Ella Byers

“At Constable Care I learned the police help number and the emergency number and there was a bad guy and he stole the handbag. Timmy, another bad guy broke windows at the soccer club” – Ivy Wright

“At Constable Care it was funny. I learned there was a reason to call Crime Stoppers. Their number is 1800 333 000” – Connor Bailie