Through interaction with the natural world, the Outdoor Education General course aims to develop an understanding of our relationships with the environment, others and ourselves. This term the students planned and participated in a self-sufficient hiking expedition. The year 11 & 12 Outdoor Education students walked along the Bibbulmun Track on a section just North East of Dwellingup. The students hiked 66km’s over 4 days.
The goals of this expedition were to enhance personal and group skills and build confidence, resilience, empathy and self-understanding. Working with others enables students to better understand group dynamics, and enhance their leadership qualities and decision-making abilities, while showing respect for self, others and the environment.
Xander Taylor (year 11 student), made the following statements; ‘This tested all of us and allowed everyone to experience something we never expected to do. Whilst on the hike we got to know each other on a better level as we were always together and we all created good relationships. Although it was a very difficult task the reward usually felt greater as we marvelled over the views from on top of huge hills and relaxed together at night around the fire. As a whole this trip was tough, but it taught all of us lessons in which we will use in the future.’