YOH Fest Dance
On Monday, 3rd of September, the first ever SCBC YOH Fest Dance team competed in the Youth on Health Festival in Mandurah. The festival is held every year with a theme that must be conveyed through each dance. This years’ theme was “pushing the limits”. Our choreographers Kara Saich and Jariretundu Ndjavera did an outstanding job of bringing this theme to life in our dance routine.
We spent the day rehearsing at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre including a closed rehearsal with the judges to perfect our routine before our performance that night. We also had a heap of fun rehearsing on the beautiful Mandurah Foreshore, playing games with YOH Fest staff and we even snuck in a nap (it was a HUGE day!). We were treated to a pizza dinner to take our minds off the nerves before our performance that night.
Slowly, the nerves crept in as everything we had worked towards for the last 2 terms came down to a 5-minute performance in front of hundreds of people. The girls danced beautifully, with so much emotion and grace. They could not wipe the smiles off their faces walking off the stage.
We are now waiting for the final result of the competition to be released on the 19th September.
A huge congratulations to all students involved and we look forward to preparing bigger and better things for next year’s competition!