It has been an excellent start to the year in 1B! We have bonded beautifully as a class and transitioned into “big school” brilliantly.
This term we have been doing an inquiry into the sky. We have been observing all the things we can spy in the sky and wondering about the changes that occur. We have asked and investigated a plethora of questions! A few include; Why is the sky blue? Why does it change colour? How do rainbows appear? Why does the moon change shape? Why is it bumpy? Where do asteroids come from? What does the earth look like from space?
We have created some beautiful artworks and undertaken some exciting research to find answers to our questions! Our Year 5 buddies have also helped us a few of times this term with our learning.
The new Inquiry space in the Year 1 and 2 block has been a wonderful area for us to do many of our Inquiry rotations. We love to paint, create, read, build, draw and construct our projects in this space. Learning about each of the VCOP characters in preparation for our first Big Write, spending time outside at nature play and celebrating Harmony Day have also been some highlights this term.
We hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into our learning in Year One this Term. If you see us around, be sure to ask us about the sky so we can share our new understandings with you!