We congratulate our Year 12 students of 2020 on their recent results in the ATAR examinations and in the achievement of Vocational Qualifications and WACE Certificates. As Secondary College, we continue to go from strength to strength in terms of the academic performance of our students. This was evidenced by the majority of our students achieving ATAR rankings in the top 20 % of all WA graduates to qualify for University.

South Coast Baptist College was also recognised for the collective performance of our Year 12 English ATAR students which placed our College in the top 15% of performing schools in the State for that subject. We also saw excellent performances across a range of ATAR subject areas.

Top ATAR score

Our highest ATAR score for 2020 is 98.65, congratulations to Daniel McMullan.

Awards for outstanding academic excellence

Leah Byl was recognised by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) with a prestigious Certificate of Merit, which is awarded to eligible students who, in their last three consecutive years of senior secondary school obtained at least 20 A grades in WACE courses.  

Vocational Certificate qualifications

It was also very pleasing to see the number of students attaining Cert II qualifications or higher for industry-based courses, including two students who attained diplomas gaining entry to UWA, an extraordinary achievement prior to graduation.

Post-school destinations

Our students have been offered placements at all the major universities: UWA, Curtin, Notre Dame, and Murdoch to study a range of courses including Natural Physical Sciences, Architecture, Humanities, and Social Science, Business Management, Economics and Information Technology and some of our VET students have already succeeded in obtaining apprenticeships. We are looking forward to hearing from all our graduates as to their placement in post school destinations and we wish them every success for the future.