Our Year 9 students are continuing their great start to year 9 and are displaying some great signs in developing into mature young adults. House points are one way we recognise good behaviour at our school and awarded to students when they demonstrate behaviours consistent with our core values of Wisdom, Grit, Love and Hope. So far this year the year 9s have amassed a total of 1672 House Points! An incredible achievement.
Our extended form time on Thursday mornings continues to be a time where students are provided with a variety of initiatives that are helping them develop holistically. One initiative is our Careers sessions that are aimed to help the Year 9s to start thinking about who they are and how that may shape their future career paths. The Year 9s complete a career development program in extended form time with a focus on helping them identify strengths and skills sets. Then, we spend time matching strengths with career and study opportunities.
In our GEM (Gratefulness, Empathy and Mindfulness) Programme this term students have looked at ways to shake a bad mood and how to practice self-care. Students have also looked at how social media can negatively impact their levels of gratefulness. As part of strengthening the connections our students have with their House a House Bocce Tournament was organised for the Year 9 Cohort. It was very accessible for all students of differing sporting skill levels and made for a great morning of fun and healthy competition. The winning teams were as follows:
- BOODALANG – Chloe Fraser, Aisha Sapren, Casey Ruwona, and Hannah Stewart
- YAAKIN – Oliver Croudson, Connor Bannister, Brodie Emms, and Izzy Wainwright
- WIDI – Lee Robinson, Terence Chikabida, Joshua O’Connor, and Shaun Mutyavaviri
In week 8 this term, we had a speaker from Bully Zero come to speak to the students about thriving. The focus of the session was on individual ownership of behaviours through the development of fundamental emotional intelligence of students. Students were supported and empowered to recognise the impact of their choices on both themselves and others.
This term, over 60 students from the cohort headed on an Outdoor Education camp where they had to endure a long hike (made a little longer by an unexpected detour), brave the elements, cook their own food all while carrying their own tents and personal belongings. It was an opportunity for students to grow in knowledge and skills in outdoor skills as well as develop resilience away from the usual creature comforts.
Next term, all year 9 students will be participating in the Year 9 Camp at Forest Edge in Waroona. Camps are an incredible opportunity to be challenged, to get out of your comfort zone, and to deepen lasting friendships. They’re also offer a rare chance in today’s digital age for students to take a tech break. As students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, it would be a good time to start talking and planning with your child about not having their mobile phone on camp. You can always reach them on the school’s mobile number which will be provided to you and students will be able to get in contact with you while on camp if required.