Article by Aaron Kay, Year 12 student at SCBC
On Friday, 25th March 2022, SCBC students from Years 11 and 12 had the chance to show off their musical talents at the Rockingham Foreshore. The music started with an amazing sunset and went on through the night until the concert was sadly cut short as a huge amount of rain came through. Nonetheless, the first set was incredible, and all the students were able to showcase their talents and skills.
I was lucky enough to have a first-hand experience of the concert as one of the guitarists. It was amazing to see what all my classmates had spent hours practicing on, and to finally see their songs being performed was incredible. Songs ranged from upbeat funky songs like Soaked by Benee, which was performed by Felicity Hughes and my Year 12 band, to a Red-Hot Chilli Peppers banger – Dani California, performed by Kian Meyerink. This year’s foreshore concert went above and beyond with songs that everyone knew and could sing along to. I know from experience what it takes to get a song to performance level; lots of hours of classwork dedicated to making sure everyone is getting chord changes and the form down to perfection, no one sees that but us. The support and feedback all the band members were given after their performance was so amazing, not only by classmates but the Rockingham Public as well.
I am so grateful to be able to work with some amazing talent in our school, not only from the Vocal Academy, but my Year 12 band. It is such an amazing experience to be able to dissect and break down a song and then rebuild it back into our version. The Vocal Academy has been steadily growing over the last few years and more and more talented singers can grow and perfect their craft with our great Vocal Teacher Miss Xyanthe Lee and Music Teacher Mrs Samuel Newman who both have lots of experience in the music industry and have had successful careers in the industry before becoming teachers.

The Foreshore Concert is just one of many opportunities where the students get to showcase their skills. There are plenty of assemblies’, lunchtime concerts and at the end of the year a music night where all bands from Years 7 to 12 plus Vocal Academy students perform and put on a concert for the whole school. The Foreshore Concert for me is one of my favourite parts of the year as we are allowed to perform outside of the school, in the real world, which for some is nerve-racking but it allows us to show everyone outside of SCBC the talent and passion we all have for music.
I have been at South Coast Baptist College since Year 7 and I have watched the music program transform and develop into what is today. The Vocal Academy continues to develop and improved, with new equipment and gear the experience is as close to a professional show as you can get and I am so grateful to be a part of an amazing Music Program and band where we all share our passion and love for music.
Our next performance is on Friday, 24th June.