It has been a truly amazing year so far in the Year 3C classroom. It gives me great joy to see the students progress not just in their academic skills, but also develop a greater level of confidence, resilience and perseverance.
In Geography this term students have been learning about the climate zones within Australia and around the world. They thoroughly enjoyed researching information about the varying weather patterns and developing an understanding as to how climate affects type of housing, vegetation, lifestyle of the people and recreational activities within a region. These lessons were also a wonderful opportunity for the students to reflect upon the wonder of God’s creation and discuss how He has intricately designed plants and animals with special features that enable them to thrive in their natural environments and habitats.
The theme of ‘Weather and Climate’ was integrated into our English lessons where the students were introduced to reading and writing information reports. Learning interesting facts about the different regions even led the students to explore the features of each climate zone and have-a-go at engaging in a class debate to decide which climate zone was the best choice for a family holiday!
‘Book Week’ and ‘Roald Dahl Day’ were also amongst the Term 3 highlights in the 3C classroom. We had some very impressive and creative costumes which made choosing the winners of the award for the best costume a very difficult one indeed. Leading up to Roald Dahl Day on the 13th of September, the students engaged in a range of learning experiences relating to the life and works of this world-renowned author. The students thoroughly enjoyed creating fact files on Roald Dahl, writing book reviews, watching clips from movies based on his books and reciting some of Dahl’s hilarious poems! They were very proud to have their work displayed at our Open Day.
I celebrate the wonderful results the children have achieved at this year’s NAPLAN as well as their many achievements at the recent inter-school competitions. I pray that they will continue to develop their skills and use their God-given talents to bless others and bring Him glory!