Our illustrious vocal tutor Aaron Malone is pictured here with Isaiah Firebrace winner of the Voice 2016 and Australia’s representative at the Eurovision song contest in 2017. Aaron was one of 3 backing vocalists chosen…
Our illustrious vocal tutor Aaron Malone is pictured here with Isaiah Firebrace winner of the Voice 2016 and Australia’s representative at the Eurovision song contest in 2017. Aaron was one of 3 backing vocalists chosen…
The A Day Made Better Teaching Awards is a chance to acknowledge a teacher that has left a lasting impression on the lives of their students and community. One Teacher. Hundreds of Lives Made Better…
Don’t compare any of your children to any other children. Nurture their special qualities. Create special occasions eg. special family rituals, stories, trips, meals & festivities. Take each of your children on one-on-one trips (no other adults,…
Can you get up early or stay up late to put in a bit of extra work time? Use those extra hours to spend time together as a family in the morning. Talk to your…
On photo day specialty group images were taken at your school. These images can be viewed and purchased. To place your Order online simply go to Click Specials, then select the album titled; South…
An Addition to the Parent Seminar on Thursday June 15th Family Zone – Peace of mind when your child is online There is no doubt that monitoring and regulating children’s online activity is one of…
SCBC Primary is participating in a national Mathletics competition which begins on Tuesday 16 May and ends on Friday 16 June.
“South Coast Baptist Childcare is hosting Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in the Childcare Wildspace. We would like to welcome all families and visitors to attend. It will take place next Tuesday the 9th of May….
Our April holiday program was a great success! Children took part in a number of exciting activities; Constable Care came to visit, we had an excursion to the local shops, took part in a ping-pong…
Over the holidays stage two of our Natureplay area was built. Students have enjoyed balancing, skipping, climbing and being creative in their play. This upgrade has been partially funded through The Entertainment Book fundraiser.
Think about specific ways that your child is unique: Personality Talent Ways they have shown kindness Interesting things they have done Paths they have chosen to take Opportunities they have made the most of. Tell…
On Friday the 28th of April Year 1 to 6 students attended a commemorative ANZAC Assembly. The Assembly focussed on remembering the sacrifice that may have paid for our freedom in this country, since the…
Welcome back everyone in the SCBC community to what is an action-packed term two. After reflecting over the holidays on how great term one was for class 3A, it is hard to choose some highlights…